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1999 - Vol 3 (2) - December

Contents  PDF

Editorial   PDF


1.   Comparative Evaluation of the functional performance of Libsys and Alice

Jiji M John and M Varghese PDF


2.      Citation Characteristics in English literature: a bibliometric study of Literary Criterion and Essays in Criticism

R Rajani and Dr. S Humayoon Kabir PDF


3.      A comparative study of Indian and British periodicals literature in Economics: based on bilbliometic analysis of Indian Economic Journal and the Economic Journal

Sebastian Thomas and M Varghese PDF


4.      A perspective plan for redesigning the universities in Kerala in the context of information technology revolution, globalization and sustained development

Dr. Raju M Mathew PDF


5.       Library and information profession in the Cyber Age

Dinesan  koovakkai and Dr V. Jalala PDF


6.      Growth and Development of Indian agricultural standards

Dr. S Humayoon Kabir PDF

Index to Volume 3  PDF


KELPRO Bulletin 2024 - Vol.28(2) - December issue is released