2024 - Vol.28(2) - December
2024 - Vol.28(1) - June
2023 - Vol.27(2) - December
2023 - Vol.27(1) - June
2022 - Vol.26(2) - December

Instructions to Contributors

KELPRO BULLETIN accepts only original contributions on various facets of librarianship and information science. Reports of research studies, proposals, system designs and models, review papers and other papers of scholarly nature would be eligible for publication in the journal. Book reviews will be included, but copies of the books are also to be sent along with the reviews. All papers submitted will be referred and major changes, if any suggested by the referees are to be carried out by the authors themselves. Authors can suggest a panel of names who can possibly review their papers.

The length of the contributions should be in the range of 4000-6000 words normally. There should also be an informative abstract not exceeding 200 words. Headings and subheadings in the text are to be numbered in a hierarchical sequence, starting with 1. 

Contributions should be submitted their articles in MS word format as an attachment file to the mail ( together with a hard copy there of.

Tables and illustrations should be given in readable size in appropriate place in the text. They are to be numbered and fitted with concise, but self-explanatory captions.

Bibliographical references in the papers should be given as per the author date system. Citations are to be listed in the alphabetical sequence of their headings. For further guidance see a sample issue of the journal.

Copyright of all papers published or accepted for publication to the KELPRO Bulletin will be with the publisher.

One copy of the issue will be send to the principal author free of cost.

Contributor(s) should provide a certificate stating that it is an original work of mine and has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere or presented in any seminar/conference.

The authors will be responsible for all views and opinions expressed by them in their papers. Neither the editor or the publisher can accept any responsibility in this regard.

Contributions for publication should be submitted as soft copy to the e- mail and send in duplicate to

The Editor, 
KELPRO Bulletin, 
Post Box No.5543,
University P.O. Thiruvananthapuram-34, Kerala

KELPRO Bulletin 2024 - Vol.28(2) - December issue is released